OA R&D © 2022


OA R&D was incorporated in Cyberjaya,

Malaysia on 2007, focus in software

development to bring value added to

customers in Asia and US. The company

have more than 15 years experiences in

HVAC industry and still supporting

reputable customers in air conditioner,

ventilation, heat exchanger.

  The mission of OA R&D is to build seamless integrated system for manufacturer to design, market, manage and monitor their products, towards Industrial 4.0. We offer HVAC engineering product selection, bill of material and engineering drawing. It emphasized value with market-specific solutions based on innovative software and detailed domain understanding of the industry’s specific business needs.  OA R&D will establish a reputation for quality work and plans to enhance its corporate image in the industry.
奥微在2007年成立于马来西亚,专注空调产品软件 开发并服务亚洲与美国客户。 在暖通与空调历练了 15年,并为客户提供软件与服务服务至今。   奥微的使命为客户创建智能的集成系统,整合与支 援设计、营销、管理和监控等无缝接轨,协助产业升 级、迈向工业 4.0。 从产品设计、物料清单、成本分 析、评审图与零件图纸等,提升开发、流程管理,为 产业升级与深耕、为客户应顺环境与社会责任出力。 诚信与谦虚是基石,创新与专业是颜色,创造附加 价值是核心。


1. Air Handling Unit 2. Fan Coil Unit 3. VRV 4. Chiller 5. Blower 6. Heat Pipe 7. Heat Load Calculation


Software Development, Implementation, Testing and Service & Support.
To empower engineers to achieve more with intelligent tools and features. 创建智能集成系统为产品开发赋予价值
OA R&D © 2022


OA R&D was incorporated in Cyberjaya,

Malaysia on 2007, focus in software

development to bring value added to

customers in Asia and US. The company

have more than 15 years experiences in

HVAC industry and still supporting reputable

customers in air conditioner, ventilation,

heat exchanger.

  The mission of OA R&D is to build seamless integrated system for manufacturer to design, market, manage and monitor their products, towards Industrial 4.0. We offer HVAC engineering product selection, bill of material and engineering drawing. It emphasized value with market-specific solutions based on innovative software and detailed domain understanding of the industry’s specific business needs.  OA R&D will establish a reputation for quality work and plans to enhance its corporate image in the industry.
奥微在2007年成立于马来西亚,专注空调产品软件 开发并服务亚洲与美国客户。 在暖通与空调历练了 15年,并为客户提供软件与服务服务至今。   奥微的使命为客户创建智能的集成系统,整合与支 援设计、营销、管理和监控等无缝接轨,协助产业升 级、迈向工业 4.0。 从产品设计、物料清单、成本分 析、评审图与零件图纸等,提升开发、流程管理,为 产业升级与深耕、为客户应顺环境与社会责任出力。 诚信与谦虚是基石,创新与专业是颜色,创造附加 价值是核心。


1. Air Handling Unit 2. Fan Coil Unit 3. VRV 4. Chiller 5. Blower 6. Heat Pipe 7. Heat Load Calculation


Software Development, Implementation, Testing and Service & Support.
To createintelligent integrated systems to value add HVAC product development. 创建智能集成系统为产品开发赋予价值